Vancouver, BC
Participants are advised to wear leather footwear, long sleeve cotton shirts and denim jeans. Bring safety glasses if you own them.
You must log in to register.
These guidelines aim to support a community where all people feel safe to participate, create, and introduce new ideas. These guidelines apply to both members and visitors in all Vancouver Colab interactions, including:
•The physical space •Monthly meetings •Special events: onsite + offsite (Eastside Culture Crawl, Maker Faire...) •All communication channels: Email, Loomio, Zoom, phone calls
As colab members, we strive to be:
1. Collaborative • Willing to help • Willing to work together • Willing to compromise • Willing to share • Willing to learn
2. Respectful • Considerate of member’s ideas and viewpoints • Considerate of member’s space • Considerate of member’s time • Considerate of the Colab’s tools and property
3. Inclusive • Welcoming to people from all backgrounds, experiences and abilities
4. Proactive • Provide input, ideas and feedback • Contribute to projects • Maintain the tools and space • Help to improve the colab
The colab has a zero-tolerance policy for the following behaviours:
1. Violence and Threats of Violence
Violence and threats of violence- in person or online. This includes incitement of violence toward any individual, including encouraging a person to commit self-harm. This also includes posting or threatening to post other people’s personally identifying information (“doxxing”) online.
2. Discrimination
Unjust treatment based on someone’s: • Sex, gender or gender identity • Sexual orientation • Physical or mental abilities • Race or ethnicity • Physical appearance or attributes • Age • Cultural background • Social background • Education and experience
3. Harassment/Bullying
Repeated and persistent behaviours that demean, embarrass or humiliate a person in order to torment, undermine, or provoke a reaction from them. A single incident may constitute harassment when it is demonstrated that it is severe and has a significant and lasting impact on the complainant. The individual(s) must know or ought reasonably to have known the act/comments would cause offence or harm. This includes:
• Serious or repeated rude, degrading, or offensive remarks, put-downs or insults, or attempts to exclude or isolate a person • Racist and discriminatory comments or offensive jokes • Displaying sexist, racist or other offensive pictures, posters, or e-mails • Unwelcome social invitations, including with sexual overtones or flirting • Unwelcome sexual comments or advances • Intimidation, threats, verbal abuse, blackmail, yelling or shouting • Comments destroying a person's reputation, repeated insinuations or unfounded accusations, or undermining a person behind closed doors • Invasion of personal space (getting too close for no reason, brushing against or cornering someone) • Regularly following or constantly waiting for someone, watching that person's comings and goings • Deliberate outing of a sensitive aspect of a person’s identity without consent • Deliberate misgendering • Undermining a member’s ability to work in the space or contribute to the colab
Consequences of Violations
If a member has been violent, discriminatory, or has harassed another person at the colab, they will be asked by the board and Community Team (CT) to leave the colab permanently.
I, the undersigned, hereby acknowledge that I fully understand that woodworking, welding, and related activities can be dangerous and may require strenuous physical exertion. The areas where woodworking, welding, and related activities are conducted contain many known and unknown hazards. I acknowledge and understand that my participation in any woodworking and related activities could result in my exposure to serious personal injury, illness, disability, or death. I also acknowledge that property losses can occur. I understand that Vancouver Community Laboratory Society (CoLab) has guidelines for safe work practice. I agree to follow these, and maintain the highest level of safe work practices for myself and others.
I acknowledge that I am 18 years of age or older. Also, I hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, release and forever discharge CoLab, its members, its directors, and any other person or organization assisting it, from any and all actions, causes of actions, claims and demands for, upon or by reason of any damage, loss or injury to person and property which heretofore has been or hereafter may be sustained in consequence of any accident occurring during a CoLab activity.
Your name
Your email
Phone #
Name of Tool *
Tool description web link *
Reason for this particular tool over another *
Price *
Is this a new tool or a replacement? *
Replacing/upgrading an existing toolNew
Affect to shop safety *
Increases safetyNo change to safety
General shop area *
Wood ShopMetal ShopTextilesOther
What voltage does it need? *
Single Phase (110V)Single Phase (220V)3 Phase (240V)3 Phase (208V)None RequiredUnsure
How much current does it need? *
None Required15 AMPS20 AMPS30 AMPS50 AMPSUnsure
Is there adequate power available for your tool already? *
Yes or None RequiredSame as current machineYes, as long as we stay single phaseNoOther
Does new space need to be allocated? *
Dedicated space availableEasily accommodated
Maintenance Cost *
Yearly (Low) - Not expecting any, or very littleMonthly (Medium)Weekly (High)
Does this tool require consumables? *
How much maintenance is required? *
Low (under $50 per year)Medium (under $200 per year)High (under $500 per year)Other
Frequency of use *
Not many people or rare useA few people or weekly useMost people or daily use
Description of why this tool is needed *
Your name *
Your email *
Member - First and Last Name *
Company/Store? *
Total Price (including tax) *
Type of Expense (choose multiples if needed) * Sundry (misc small shop items: $200/month)Consumables - Metal and Blacksmithing AreaConsumables - Textiles AreaConsumables - Wood AreaBuilding Repairs & MaintenanceBusiness Licenses & PermitsComputer – HostingContainer-storageGarbageEquipment Lease or RentalLegal FeesMarketing & eventsMeals and EntertainmentMemberships & DuesOffice and Janitorial SuppliesPrinting and ReproductionRent ExpenseStorage & WarehousingTool Repair (Parts & Materials)Tools (<$1000)Equipment (>$1000)Pre-approved Special project: identify in line below with total $ amount approvedVehicle expenses (Member owned used for shop business)Other
Reimbursement? * YesNo, filing purposes only
Details (keep it simple) *
Email address for etransfer *
Upload your receipt: accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, pdf, webp, heic, tiff. Maximum file size: 1MB
Your contact number *
Type of Membership wanted - Attendance at a monthly meeting is required before being placed on the waitlist. *
KeyholderDrop-in memberNo change
Are you a current CoLab member *
Yes: Drop-in memberYes: KeyholderNot yet
We have limited space but if space becomes available would you like to be put on the wait list for semi-private space? *
NoYes: Upstairs onlyYes: Downstairs onlyYes: Upstairs or downstairs