1907 Triumph St

Vancouver, BC

Frequently Asked Questions


How do I sign up?

In order to become a member you must first:

  • Sign up on the website
  • Pay your orientation fee and sign-up for a wood, metal, and/or textile orientation.
  • Once you have attended your orientation you’ll be able to pay your first month of membership and get making.
How do I cancel my membership?

You can cancel your membership at any time. To stop your membership, email hello@vancolab.ca. If you decide to return within a year you do not need to retake your general or safety orientations. If you leave for more than a year you will need to redo them.

Can I pause my membership?

If you need to pause your membership for an extended period of time that is possible. Pauses for less than two months are not possible.

If you will continue to rent space at the colab while you are away then you must continue your membership.


Do I need to bring any of my own tools or equipment?

Fixed tools are provided by the Colab but members need to bring their own consumables like sandpaper, nails, screws and glue.

Some larger consumables, like saw-blades, drum-sander paper and welding wire are provided. Welding gas is provided by the Colab but we ask that you track and pay for the amount you use.

The Colab does have safety equipment but we recommend you get your own ear, eye and dust protection. And always wear proper clothing and footwear at the shop.

How do I report a broken tool?

Send an email to: brokentool@vancolab.ca

How do I ask the CoLab to buy a new tool?

Request a new tool purchase by filling out the
tool request form below. If approved you will need to post the request to Loomio and seek approval by vote at a monthly meeting.

Key Holders

How do I become a key-holder?

To become a keyholder you must first join the CoLab as a drop-in. After your first month you can join the waitlist and apply to be a keyholder. You will need 3 of our current keyholders to vouch for you. 

What are the open hours task list?
  • Put the open-hours sign outside
  • Prepare the sign-in sheet
  • Empty the dust extractor bins
  • Empty the garbage at the beginning if necessary
  • Always empty the garbage at the end


When are drop-in hours?
  • Tuesday from 6pm – 10pm
  • Thursday from 6pm – 10pm
  • Sunday from 10am – 6pm

*note: if the monthly meeting falls on a Tuesday, a make-up session will be hosted the same week (usually on a Wednesday)

What should I do when I show up for open hours?
  • Introduce yourself to the host
  • Sign the sign-in sheet
  • Find a workspace that is not occupied
  • Work on your project!
  • Clean up your space before the end of the session


When is the next Wood/Metal/Textile orientation?

Orientations take place twice a month and are typically at the start and middle of the month. Our safety officers post them on the calendar, and you can sign up there. Once an orientation is full you will have to wait for the next available orientation, so check the calendar regularly.

How do I learn tools not covered in Safety Orientations?

Email the membership one or two weeks before you want to learn about said tools or equipment so that another member can arrange a time to teach you. Everyone’s time is volunteered, though you may also pay some training fees to the person teaching if it takes an hour or more. Please understand that not every member knows how to use all the CoLab’s tools, professionally or otherwise, thus requests with consideration for people’s time is very appreciated.


How do I get reimbursed for items I purchased on behalf of the CoLab?

1. Fill out and submit the reimbursement form

2. Send an email to colab.reimbursement@gmail.com with your receipts.

My question wasn’t answered here, where can I find more answers?

Our new member handbook has loads of information on navigating the CoLab, so check and see if the information you need is in there.

You can also take a look at our contact list and contact the relevant person.